What We Believe & Teach



God exists eternally as Trinity - three persons one essence - Father, Son, and Spirit.


Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He became a man lived a sinless life, died on a cross, was buried, rose bodily from the grave. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father.

Holy Spirit 

The Holy Spirit is the supernatural agent who applies salvation to sinful people, regenerating, indwelling, sanctifying, and sealing them until the day of Christ’s return.


God creates all people in His image, uniquely male and female.


Sin is rejecting or ignoring God in the world He created, not being or doing what he requires in His law. All people are sinful and in need of salvation.


Salvation is the redemption of the whole man from sin. It is made possible by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.


The Bible is the inerrant Word of God.


The Church is the gathering of Christians to proclaim gospel, fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). The Church is both local and universal.

Return of Jesus 

Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead, and God will reign forever.