When: Every Sunday at 10 AM
Where : 308 W. Milham Ave. Portage, MI 49024
Our liturgy of worship
The grace of Covenant Renewal worship
We preach Christ crucified
The preaching of God’s Word is essential to a healthy church. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit; and it is the sword of the Spirit that has the power to cut to the heart. God’s people are built up when they sit under the authority of the preached Word. A church cannot be close to God without Christ and His Word.
We Sing Psalms and Hymns.
Sunday worship is more than a team of musicians entertaining God’s people. The goal of singing is to make a joyful noise that is pleasing to God, and we do this by singing His Word back to him, together. We sing the psalms and strong hymns, because they have the strength to tear down the walls of unbelief, and form the hearts of God’s people. Our goal is to teach all christian’s how to sing, so they can join with God’s people and sing as one united body.
We Read the Word.
The church is the pillar and the buttress of the truth. Jesus said man cannot live by bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God. Therefore, we stand and read a portion of God’s word aloud every Sunday. When the reading is finished we raise our voices and proclaim: “thanks be to God”!
We kneel to confess sin and stand to be assured of our salvation.
Sunday worship is for renewal and renewal comes when God’s people put off the old self and put on the new self. The habit of confession and assurance is crucial to the health of any church body. Confessing sin is the habit of acknowledging our sin before God. He sees all things. He knows all things, we cannot hide our sin from Him. Every Sunday is a chance to be open with God and confess our sins to him. We ask the church to kneel as an act of humility, quietly confessing sin. After we spend time kneeling we all stand to be reminded that in Christ we have been forgiven of all our sins.
We take communion every Sunday.
We are the body of Christ, and the body needs to be strengthened and nourished. We sit and dine with the Lord at his Table every Lord’s Day because the bread and the cup is our spiritual food and spiritual drink.
We worship as One body.
We desire to build a church that stands for a 1,000 generations. Children are an important part of God’s family and we are happy to have them worship with us! Children are God’s gift to our church and they remind us that He is growing His body while raising the next generation of His people. We welcome children into church because the way we welcome them in, directly affects the way they respond to the church, too God and to one another. We worship as one body including children of all ages.