What: Badru’s Birthday Swim with Friends
Meetup Organizer: Sasha McKoy
Who: Anyone!
When: Saturday, July 4 10 AM - 12 PM
Where: Ramona Park 8600 S. Sprinkle Road, Portage, MI 49002
Cost: Free (non-Portage residents may have a small park entrance fee)
Details: Badru will be 3 this year! His birthday is July 4th and he loves friends and loves to swim. You would make his day if you wanted to join him and us in having fun. Gifts not necessary. Ramona Beach is also free this year for Portage residents. If non-Portage resident, please check their website. There have also been kayak, canoe, and paddleboat rentals available in the past. We’d love to see you! Please call or text Sasha if you are planning to come so that we can know who to look for!
Meetup Contact: Sasha McKoy call or text (269) 626-6546